all postcodes in M32 / MANCHESTER

find any address or company within the M32 postcode district

Postcode Area

M / Manchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
M32 8AA 1 1 53.445444 -2.30591
M32 8AD 1 1 53.446075 -2.308776
M32 8AE 9 7 53.446065 -2.308384
M32 8AG 27 0 53.446509 -2.311158
M32 8AN 10 0 53.445983 -2.312915
M32 8AP 1 1 53.446092 -2.312555
M32 8AQ 32 1 53.446522 -2.312679
M32 8AX 20 0 53.446994 -2.307864
M32 8AY 32 0 53.446946 -2.308797
M32 8AZ 30 0 53.446949 -2.311131
M32 8BA 27 0 53.446716 -2.311159
M32 8BB 29 0 53.446963 -2.312862
M32 8BD 32 0 53.447877 -2.306771
M32 8BE 45 0 53.448834 -2.305122
M32 8BF 7 0 53.45022 -2.308218
M32 8BG 12 1 53.448171 -2.307436
M32 8BH 36 0 53.44957 -2.305639
M32 8BJ 24 2 53.44977 -2.304662
M32 8BL 14 0 53.450272 -2.308911
M32 8BN 19 0 53.449869 -2.308397